Your home should be a place where you can feel safe. The one where you can relax after a long day and spend time and create memories with your family. That’s why it is essential to practice proper security measures even in your very home. Although at some point, you would think that it would be difficult to outrun professional burglars. But you can still actually do something in order to protect your home from such occurrences. After all, it is your home and the safety of the whole family should be a priority.
In this article, we will be breaking down home security tips that you need to know and you can practice. So without further ado, let’s start!
1. Secure Doors and Windows

This may be a no-brainer, but you should always make sure that all your doors and windows are locked, especially when you are not at home. Burglars strike when the owners are not at home, so you have to do your part and not let them have an easy entry into your home. Securing your doors and windows with locks doesn’t only apply when you are out of the house, but it should also apply even when you are at home. Keep in mind as well that burglars don’t only strike at night, but they also break in even when the sun is up. That’s why it is better to be prepared.
2. Change Locks Every Now and Then

Changing your locks may not seem necessary at first, but it should be done. Instead of settling for a simple lock, go for a more secured one that’s harder to break for thieves. This will cause them to take longer to break in and will buy you more time to report or catch them in the act.
Plus, you can never be too sure who is plotting to break in, so don’t just allow anyone to have a key to your locks and seamlessly have access to your house. In the event that you lose your home keys, make sure that you change your locks immediately.
3. Don’t Let Them Know You’re Not Home

Recklessly announcing to your neighbors that you will not be home for days, is a big no-no. You may trust your neighbors, but you will never know who is listening and has been lurking around looking for a way to break in.
With all the advancements in technology today, burglars are taking in every opportunity to get a hold of people’s information, so they can use it to break in and steal. Be careful with what you share on social media. Avoid sharing locations and where you are about to go because that will give them an idea that you will not be at home for quite some time.
4. Avoid Providing Places Where Thieves Can Hide

Burglars will try every strategy to break in, so you have to be one step ahead of them by making sure that even your outdoor property is readily prepared. What do we mean by this? This means that you have to secure proper lighting outside of your house, especially the areas that are mostly dark and unattended, as this can be used by thieves as a hiding place. You can opt to have motion detection lights installed for your outdoors to help notify you that someone is outside. This way, you wouldn’t always have to leave the light open outside, which is also energy-consuming.
If you have thick bushes on the surrounding property of your house, then you should trim them. Or if there are big, tall trees, make sure that area is covered by the light outside your house. Because these bushes and trees can also be used as a hiding place for burglars. Avoid any blind spots that they can use to break-in.
5. Install Alarm System

Not all burglars are dissuaded by alarm systems. But having an alarm system for your home definitely does help warn you in case a break-in occurs. With the alarm ringing, the thieves won’t be able to take as much or stay that long because the people around the neighborhood will be made aware of the break-in. Therefore, giving them the chance to quickly contact the police or the authorities. Although, remember that home alarm systems will only be effective and helpful if you set them on. So don’t forget to engage them because if you don’t do that, installing them will be useless.
Tip: Professional thieves will try to disconnect the wiring of your home alarm system, so make sure that it is properly concealed in such a way that they won’t be able to do anything with it.
Additional Tips and Reminders For You:
- In case someone randomly knocks on your door and asks to use your phone to contact someone or ask for help for other things, don’t just easily let them in. See to it that they stay outside while you talk to them. Don’t tell them any information that will compromise your safety.
- Don’t just assume that the person in front of your door is the salesman or plumber you are expecting for the day. Make sure to ask for identification first. Some burglars use fake identities to break into homes, so be mindful of that.
- Unanswered telephones can signal that no one is at home. Make sure that you lower the volume of your phone, especially when you know that you will not be at home for a few more days.
- Check your home alarm system regularly if it is still working properly because it may not already be working by the time a burglary occurs.
- Don’t make it too obvious that you are not at home by leaving notes for your family member or service providers at the door because this is like giving away information to burglars who are lurking around. Privately message them instead.
- If you have dogs at home, they can also be effective deterrents. Whether they may be a small or a big dog, burglars can still be agitated just by the barking sound they make. As much as possible, burglars would want to quietly break into your home, so they wouldn’t like it if the barking sound would draw attention. As the pet owner, you have to train your dog to know when to be friendly and when to attack.
Instead of being too complacent with how you think safety is being practiced in your home, it is still better to be extra careful. You don’t have to wait for it to happen before you act on anything. The best thing you can do is to go with preventive measures that can help secure your home, especially your family.
We hope that this article has been helpful in giving you tips to secure your home!
If you are in need of specialized security, contact us today and we will be glad to offer you the best of our services!