4 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Janitors From an Agency During a Virus Outbreak
Janitors are considered one of the frontliners that is battling daily with germs, bacteria, and even viruses. During a virus outbreak, we need them the most together with the doctors, nurses, and people who will help us to fight through this. The mission of every organization and company is to protect the people who are […]
The Code of Ethics of Being a Security Guard in The Philippines
Before you start a job as a security guard, you have to learn the different requirements on how to be a security guard. Most companies and training centers provide you a copy of the law and codes of ethics for being a security guard. But why is it important to know this code of ethics […]
The Best Way To Clean Electronics and Other Equipment
Electronics and other technology equipment have become essential in our everyday lives. They are part of our lives personally and professionally because they make our tasks easier and make us work faster. But since we use them daily, they are prone to dirt, germs, and bacteria. If you neglect cleaning your electronics, whether in […]
5 Roles and Duties of a Warehouse Security
Warehouse is a place where you stock important things from your business. Most warehouses are used by big companies that make essential products that we use daily. These companies rely on their warehouses to store the items they produce. They need them to be safe and well maintained that’s why it is important that they […]
Owning a Guard Dog: Pros and Cons
You’re not alone when it comes to worrying about the safety of your home. There’s going to be a moment where your house can be a potential target for crimes, that’s why you have to make sure your home is well-guarded. Other than CCTVs and alarm systems, we also adopt a dog to guard our […]
What It Takes To Be a Security Guard: A Career Information
If being a security guard is the career you have chosen, you must know the qualities that you should have in order for you to get the position. You must learn more about the different areas of this job, from the training, down to the assigned duties. In this article, we will help you understand […]
Hiring the Right Security Guard for Your Company: A Complete Guide
The job of a security guard is to maintain a safe and secure environment by doing 24/7 security surveillance in the entire company. They make sure that all of your customers and employees are safe and at peace if ever a threat comes. A security guard should be prepared for any risk that could happen […]
4 Things to Consider when Buying Cleaning Products for Your Home
Cleaning products are essential anywhere, whether at home or the office: these are things that everyone should have. And for that reason, the market in cleaning products continue to grow globally. There are a lot of gimmicks that the market produces when it comes to cleaning, but what do we really need for our home? […]
The Pros and Cons of Having CCTVs in Your Establishment
Offices or business buildings are at risk when it comes to criminals or thieves on the loose. At times, you can never really be too sure of your environment, especially if the establishment is big, and a lot of people enter the place. This is why it’s important to have CCTVs around your workplace to […]
5 Cleaning Hazards for Janitors
Cleaning various places as a job may seem easy at first, but it is very tiring and time-consuming. And aside from that, it also comes with certain hazards. We all know that the janitors are the ones who clean and maintain the facilities in every establishment and institution. They are the ones who are exposed […]